2020-21 Awards for Student Learning Assessment Practices
During fall 2021 the Assessment Subcommittee reviewed nominees' annual program assessment reports and selected the Excellence in Program Assessment award recipients. An award in the same category for the second time is designated Continued Excellence, and third-year awards in the same category are designated Sustained Excellence.
Computer Science B.A./B.S.
Assessment Management System. The undergraduate program’s faculty enter their student learning data into an assessment management system developed and maintained internally by the program assessment liaison. The database stores information for multiple years and presents data in charts for easy visualization of student performance over time, which facilitate faculty discussions for interpreting data and closing loops on changes implemented for course and program improvements.
Communication Sciences & Disorders
Department: Assessment Management System. The department utilizes a comprehensive assessment management system where faculty record information about student learning for required standards across all classes and students view and monitor their progress.
B.A.Sc. and M.A.: Stakeholder Involvement (Sustained Excellence). For a third year, both programs demonstrated regular and meaningful dialogue about and with student learning assessment among all faculty, their undergraduate and graduate students, and speech-language medical and school professionals in the community for the improvement of teaching and learning.
M.A.: Measurement (Sustained Excellence). The graduate program provides transparency of program expectations and measures to students, faculty, and stakeholders. All faculty use common rubrics and multiple measures to assess each student across courses, which provides ample data for measuring and evaluating program learning outcomes.
English B.A.
Measurement (Excellence). The English program documented practices that foster reliability and validity of their measurements, including a yearly retreat devoted to norming discussions and inductive analysis of measures and giving students opportunities to select their best evidence of meeting program learning outcomes for review.
Integrated Elementary & Special Education and Unified Early Childhood Education
Stakeholder Involvement (Excellence). These programs documented evidence of consistent and active involvement in a range of assessment activities throughout the year by multiple groups, including faculty, students, and teachers in the community.
Secondary Teacher Education Program
Measurement (Continued Excellence). The Secondary Teacher Education Program uses a combination of internal and external measures to provide a rich assessment of their program’s effectiveness in achieving program learning outcomes. The program provides forums for discussion and education of internal and external raters and uses a common rubric to enhance validity and reliability of its measures.
Social Work M.S.W.
Stakeholder Involvement (Sustained Excellence). The M.S.W. demonstrated comprehensive involvement of internal and external stakeholders throughout regular discussions of student learning assessment, including monthly faculty meetings, student input through multiple channels, and conversations with community partners such as site supervisors.