
Cocurricular Student Learning Assessment

Cocurricular refers to learning activities, programs and experiences that reinforce the institution’s mission and values and complement the formal curriculum.

  • The assessment cycle for cocurriculars ranges from one to three years.
  • Assessment reporting and peer review procedures are tailored for each cocurricular to most effectively meet its needs and the needs of the curricular program(s) it supports.
  • Course-specific or course-embedded cocurriculars should have one or more direct measures of student learning and may use indirect measures. Non-credit cocurriculars may use indirect assessment methods.
  • Cocurriculars’ learning outcomes are primarily oriented toward attainment of campus SLO 5 (self-realization) and 9 (life skills), and they may be aligned with other SLOs.
  • Cocurricular student learning assessment details are documented in assessment plans that are publicly available on the campus assessment website.
  • Cocurricular assessment activities are coordinated by at least one faculty or staff who are called assessment liaisons.

Endorsed by the UMD Assessment Subcommittee November 8, 2021.