2022-2023 Awards for Student Learning Assessment Practices
The Assessment Subcommittee annually reviews nominees' annual program assessment reports and selects the Excellence in Assessment award recipients. An award in the same category for the second time is designated Continued Excellence, and third-year awards in the same category are designated Sustained Excellence.
Communication Sciences & Disorders B.A.Sc.
Measurement (Continued Excellence). For the second consecutive year, the undergraduate program continues to use multiple measures for assessing each student numerous times throughout the curriculum and common rubrics used by all faculty. The program's APA Report included multiple assessment sources for measuring and evaluating program learning outcomes.

English B.A.
Measurement (Sustained Excellence). For the third consecutive year, the English program documented information on the APA Report describing the reliability of their measures and multiple forms of validity.

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) & Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)
Stakeholder Involvement (Excellence). Both programs demonstrated regular and meaningful dialogue about student learning assessment among their faculty, undergraduate students, recent graduates and multilingual teachers in the community for the improvement of teaching and learning.
Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP)
Stakeholder Involvement (Excellence). The Secondary Teacher Education Program has documented evidence of consistent and active involvement in a range of assessment activity through the year by multiple groups including: program faculty, students, and program advisory boards including teachers and administrators in the community.