Program Assessment Standards
Program assessment encompasses undergraduate and graduate degrees, undergraduate and post-baccalaureate certificates, and free-standing minors. Programs follow the campus procedures for program assessment reporting and peer review. Programs with specialized accreditation align their assessment requirements for the accrediting agencies with campus assessment practices to the fullest extent possible.
- Curricular program learning outcomes (PLOs) must be assessed by one or more direct measures, such as graded course components (e.g., final exam or project, student performance) or program requirements (e.g., Plan A or B project). Curricular PLO assessment may be supplemented by one or more indirect measures (e.g., student perception survey, skills inventory, internship supervisor survey).
- In cases where a discipline has an undergraduate degree or certificate and a graduate degree or certificate, separate assessment plans are needed. The PLOs must appropriately distinguish between the two degree or certificate levels such that graduate PLOs require a higher level of student learning compared to undergraduate PLOs.
- In cases where two or more curricular programs at the same degree/certificate level share courses, a common assessment plan may be created for the common PLOs with separate assessment plans for the unique aspects of each program.
- Program assessment activities are coordinated by one or more faculty from the program. These faculty are called Program Assessment Liaisons (PALs).
- Undergraduate PLO to Campus SLO Alignment
- Undergraduate degrees have at least one PLO that aligns to campus student learning outcome (SLO) 6a for the advanced writing degree requirement. A program’s assessment plan may state the PLO uses WRIT 31xx for assessment and refer to the Advanced Writing assessment plan.
- Degrees, certificates, and free-standing minors have one or more PLOs that align to SLO 1 for competence in a major field.
- Degrees have additional PLOs that align to any or all other SLOs. Programs consider the comprehensive nature of students’ educational experiences including the Liberal Education Program, degree requirements, and cocurriculars to develop their program assessment plans.
- Certificates and free-standing minors may have one or more PLOs that align to any or all other SLOs.
- Graduate PLO to Campus LGC Alignment
- Graduate degrees have at least one program learning goal for each of the campus’s five graduate learning goal categories (LGCs). Each program learning goal will have at least one PLO.
- Post-baccalaureate certificates have at least one program learning goal with one related PLO that aligns to LGC 1 - knowledge and scholarly formation. Certificate programs may have additional program learning goals and PLOs that align to one or more additional campus LGCs.
Endorsed by the UMD Assessment Subcommittee November 8, 2021.