Creating and Using a Rubric as a Tool for Assessment
Rubrics are reserved for assessments requiring complex, novel creation of new products or performances, or assessments requiring the learner to solve a new problem or to reveal a new understanding. Rubrics should only describe levels of quality of the product, performance, solution, or understanding. Key things to remember about rubrics include:
Rubrics should only identify the most important aspects or traits of the expected results (called domains)
Scoring criteria should be written as empirical (not comparative) descriptors and use positive language that identifies what the student work includes, not what is missing or does not do
Scoring criteria should include an even number of performance levels (e.g., 1-4 or 1-6).
“At-standard” or very good work should be in the level that is one past the mid-line on the rubric and the criteria must be clearly described; the remaining criteria performance level descriptions are optional
Rubrics should not build in ways to get a grade without the quality of work determined
Example Rubrics from the Association of American Colleges and Universities:
Critical Thinking
Ethical Reasoning
Inquiry and Analysis
Lifelong Learning
Problem Solving
Written Communication