Category Data and Reports

Assessment data provided by faculty are aggregated at the category level for campus reporting purposes.  These category summaries are forwarded to the Liberal Education Subcommittee for review and interpretation, recommendations, and actions, as summarized in the following documents.

Cycle ending Summer 2023 L&QR, Hu, CDUS

Cycle ending Summer 2022 OLC, NS, GP, W&IL

Cycle ending Summer 2021: SS, FA, Su

Cycle ending Summer 2020: L&QR, Hu, CDUS

Cycle ending Summer 2019: OCL, NS, GP

Cycle ending Summer 2018: SS, FA, Su, W&IL

Cycle ending Summer 2017: L&QR, Hu, CDUS

Category Summaries (available to anyone with a UMD username (x.500))

    Writing and Information Literacy 

    Oral Communication and Languages 

    Logic and Quantitative Reasoning 

    Natural Sciences 

    Social Sciences 


    Fine Arts 

    Global Perspectives 

    Cultural Diversity in the U.S. 
